
Showing posts from June, 2014


I had the privilage to attend a service this morning for a womens meeting.  The lesson was taught by the Pastor, a male.  His subject was about Jacobs only daughter, Dinah.  He brought out some points that blessed my soul. For example, Dinah was Jacobs only daughter.  When Jacob's sons were born, their mother, Leah, proclaimed a blessing from The Lord for each of them.  But when Dinah was born, she did not mentioned her a being a blessing from The Lord.  I could have been many reasons for this.  The Pastor brought out how it could have been because having sons was considered a blessing.  It could have been because Leah knew the plight of a female and having  daughter reminded her of that. The scripture goes on to say how Dinah left her kingdom to go see the daughters of the land (Genesis 34:1).  There could have been many reasons why Dinah left the kingdom.  But in the world, she was found of the man Shechem the son of Hamor the Hiv...


There are a lot of teachings about the Church, salvation, Jesus, Heaven, etc.  There are a lot of teachings that attempt to explain a way for a person to receive from the Lord, be blessed of the Lord, have all their problems solved by the Lord. I heard something last evening that made me shutter.  The teaching made reference to 'tapping into' the Holy Ghost.  There is not one scripture in the Bible that supports this, not one.  As I listened, I could hear how those that do not know the truth would accept this false teaching.  Even give money to 'tap into' the Holy Ghost. The power of the Holy Ghost is not for sale and it can not be tapped into.  This type of teaching falls in line with those that say a person is born with this power in them and they have to come to the realization of tapping into it.  The Bible does not teach this. Acts 1:8 says "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unt...


When I read about or hear about a woman being abused by a man it disturbs my spirit.  What is even more disturbing is when it done by a man that says he is saved, loves Jesus or one that professes to be an Evangelist, Pastor, Prophet, Teacher or Apostle. I have talked with women that have said and showed signs that their saved husband abused them.  In public, he is the perfect brother.  But at home, he is not. This should not be. Abuse can be physical or emotional.  A lot of the abuse in by those that profess Christ is emotional.  Yelling, down grading, jealously are all emotional abuse tactics.   Making false accusations, making degrading comments are all emotional abuse tactics. This should not be. How can you speak and be kind to others, but talk in a degrading way to your spouse?  How can you help others and then your wife is left to live like she is a single woman.  If she speaks to another male, false accusations are made against h...

#Argue, Come Against

I do not argue with anyone regarding what is written in the Bible. Gods word is forever settled in Heaven.  The call on my life from the Lord is to preach and teach the Word of God.  That's what I have been called to do. I take preaching seriously.  Come to Bible study. Sit and learn Gods word. Sometimes what we think we know is not found in scripture. Time for Church

#The Blood,#Calvary,#Jesus

The Saints say, “When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all He’s done for me.  My soul cries out alleluia!  Thank God for saving me.  This is what my heart is saying right now. To have the Lord Jesus Christ draw you to repentance and then give you a new mind and a new heart, both now wanting to do His will according to the Scriptures.    John 6:44 says, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.”  Some call it mind control.  The Bible calls it being a new creature in Christ Jesus.  Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.  Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new .  II Corinthians 5:17 So many are lost.  So many are not concerned about the soul.  So many do not know the truth.  So many do not want to know the truth.  They are comfortable in what they think they know.  Not realizing if what the...


I quoted a scripture the other day and someone tried to correct me with their interpretation.  I looked at it again and it came to me.  This is what most are doing today when it comes to the Word of God, The Bible.  They are taking the Bible, and redefining it based on what they feel, what they think, what someone else said, what someone else thinks, what they read some where. The Word of God is the Word of God.  It makes not difference what man says, the Bible is right.  In Revelations chapter 22: 18-19 it says, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God will add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Why are people teaching and preaching things the Bible do...

#Jesus,#Salvation,#The Lord,#Truth,#Real

According to the Word of God, a good minister will: put the brethren in remembrance of the fact that in the latter days some shall depart from the faith, there will be seducing spirits and doctrines of devils teaching and leading souls astray.  There will be some speaking lies in hypocrisy because their conscience has been seared with a hot iron.  There will be those that forbid to marry and some that will say what you eat will determine your salvation.  You can find this in I Timothy 4:1-3 .  Apostle Paul also instructed his spiritual son Timothy to preach the Word (II Timothy 4:2 ). The preachers job is to preach and teach what is found in the the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  Preaching is not to make one feel comfortable.  Preaching is not to make one 'like' the Church.  Preaching is the means God chose to save the soul from a hell's fire. I Corinthians 1:21b states, "it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that be...