When I think of the scripture reference about Cornelius, it reminds me that being good is not enough to get into Heaven. The scripture always bears witness to the fact that the Gentiles and all men that obey the Gospel can receive the Holy Ghost.
The Bible says Cornelius was a devout man and one that feared God. And, he had a prayer life. But something was lacking.
In a dream/vision, an angel of God spoke to him and gave him instructions to go look for one Simon Peter. Cornelius obeyed. On the other end, God was speaking to Peter concerning what was to take place. Once Cornelius and Peter met, Cornelius told Peter he had come to hear all things that are commanded thee of God (Acts 10:33b). Then Peter had to confess that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him (verse 34,35). As Peter began to preach to Cornelius concerning the things of God, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word (verse 44).
Many people today are devout, good people. They may feed the hungary, visit the sick, give to the poor, attend every church service, but they need the whole counsel of God and the Holy Ghost.
After the Holy Ghost fell, verses attest to the need for the baptism in Jesus Name (verse 46-48). Yes, Cornelius was a devout man, but he needed the Holy Ghost. For those sincere about salvation, God will send what is needed to complete the saving work. Going to Church and being on a Church roll is not salvation. You need the Holy Ghost.
The Bible says Cornelius was a devout man and one that feared God. And, he had a prayer life. But something was lacking.
In a dream/vision, an angel of God spoke to him and gave him instructions to go look for one Simon Peter. Cornelius obeyed. On the other end, God was speaking to Peter concerning what was to take place. Once Cornelius and Peter met, Cornelius told Peter he had come to hear all things that are commanded thee of God (Acts 10:33b). Then Peter had to confess that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him (verse 34,35). As Peter began to preach to Cornelius concerning the things of God, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word (verse 44).
Many people today are devout, good people. They may feed the hungary, visit the sick, give to the poor, attend every church service, but they need the whole counsel of God and the Holy Ghost.
After the Holy Ghost fell, verses attest to the need for the baptism in Jesus Name (verse 46-48). Yes, Cornelius was a devout man, but he needed the Holy Ghost. For those sincere about salvation, God will send what is needed to complete the saving work. Going to Church and being on a Church roll is not salvation. You need the Holy Ghost.
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