
I was reading something where a question was asked about churches or ministers having a covering.  The question centered around what to do if a ministry is successful without a covering.  There was much dialog.  And, then I asked a question, "where in the Bible does it say a minister has to have a covering by another man or woman or organization?"  And, yes, there was much discussion.

I have found that if the Lord calls you into the ministry, He qualifies you prepares you.  For a successful ministry is saving souls, not counting heads or money.  Then I read a scripture in Isaiah that says, "Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but NOT OF MY SPIRIT, that they may add sin to sin."  (Isaiah 30:1)  This verse of scripture is saying the Holy Ghost is the covering for counsel.  It seems to be saying if counsel is taken else where and not be of Him adds sin to sin.

Then I looked at the disciples.  After the Holy Ghost filled them, the became witnesses and servants of the Lord.  Apostle Paul on his missionary journeys, would establish churches and then go back and check on them.

I don't argue the Word.  All I know is, if the Lord is in it and souls are being saved, delivered and set free, it does not matter what man says.  It also seems to me, that all this organizing has taken the emphasis off of souls being saved and more emphasis is placed on pleasing man.

I pray those that the Lord is using to save souls will continue to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints.



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