#Live Right,#Heaven,#Jesus,#Pure Heart

The Bible says, blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8).  The Bible says, to "follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14).  The Bible says, now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his (Romans 8:9b).

Man can say whatever he wants.  But for those that say they want to go to Heaven, there are some things that have to take place first.

Week after week I see, read or hear of all kinds of things going on that are being called 'holy' or 'Christian'.   I see, read or hear of all kinds of things that people say is 'of God'.  I hear and see all kinds of foolishness that people are calling Church.  And the problem will of this?   The Word of God does not 'back it up'.  What is holy about going to church half dressed?  What is holy about dancing to entertain?  What is holy about singing to entertain?  I see these 'Gospel' events stealing those that are truly are blessed to sing unto the Lord and turn them to singing like the world.  Where are the Pastors?  But, then I see and hear of Pastors living ungodly lives too.  You can not correct wrong if you are doing it too.

Holiness is required to enter into Heaven.  Being filled with the Holy Ghost is required to enter into Heaven.  And, in order to be filled with the Holy Ghost, one has to repent of sin and be baptized in the Name of Jesus for the remission of sin. Yes, I know some get tired of hearing this.  But, the Bible tells me to cry loud and spare not.  Why?  Because being Holy is the only way to enter into the kingdom of God.

All unrighteousness is still sin.  I read where it was said that men that wear skirts can now go into the woman's bathroom.  And, women that wear pants can go into the mans bathroom.  My Lord, and my God!!  If you look in the Bible, it teaches, that men should not wear that which pertaineth to a woman and a woman should not wear that which pertaineth to a man.  If a man is going to be called out for wearing a skirt, a woman should be called out for wearing pants.  Holy women do not wear pants.  Holy men do not wear skirts, pumps, etc.  The whole world can say it is OK.  The Bible says it is not.

Movies and television shows are being made that support ways contrary to the word of God.    The Saints of God are against all the ways that are contrary to the word of God.  Saints love the man or woman, but Saints hate sin.  Why?  Because the wages of sin is death.  I see and watch teachings that are so perverse that it hurts my heart.   Holiness has not changed.

I see those that once ran well now acting and looking like the world.  And then they come against the truth.  Well, this is one preacher that believes in the Bible the way it is written.   That which is flesh is flesh.  That which is spirit is spirit.  Marvel not, you must be born again.

Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.  He (the Lord), said what he meant and meant what he said.



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