#The Enemy,#Listening,#Ears to Hear,#Disobedience

In the book of Genesis chapter 3, you find Adam and Eve in the garden.  Along comes the Serpent.  The Bible says the serpent was more subtil than any other beast of the field (verse 1).

The Lord God had given instructions to Adam, the man, not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of  good and evil (Gen. 2:17).  In the garden, the serpent spoke to Eve and told her that which was contrary to the command of God.  The serpent did not go to Adam.

In verse 2, the woman tells the serpent what God said.  But the scriptures do not address who told the woman the commandment of God concerning the tree.  After talking with the serpent, the woman 'saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, a tree to be desired to make one wise' (verse 6).   Then, the woman gave of the same fruit to Adam to eat.  At that moment, mankind fell from grace.

This scriptures teaches us that:
1. you have got to hear from the Lord for yourself
2. you can not eat everything some gives you no matter who they are
3. the adversary of your soul knows how to talk a person out of obeying what thus said the Lord
4. when the Lord tells you something, do it.  Do no allow anyone to talk you out of it.
5. the enemy of the soul talks to people too.  If what you 'hear' is contrary to what the Bible says, ignore it.
6. beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God (I John 4:1a)
7. resist the devil.  Don't go along with him.


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